Monday, March 30, 2009

Friends Are Important Factor to Success in Switflet Farming

For those newbies who plan to start swiflet farming, I strongly advice you get to know as many experienced and successful swiflet farmers as possible. I know is not easy to find. Those experienced one that you can easily seen in the web-site are hard to get info. They need $$ before they can open their mouth. We cannot blame them as some depend this for living. Of course they are some exception. Like Uncle Ben, he not even know me before. But when I called him, he willing to spend almost 1 hour to talk and discuss with some of problem that I facing.

Beside Uncle Ben, I think I am quite lucky to get to know other good friends which are very success in swiftlet farming. You need to "find" these people as early as possible. The best during your BH design phase. Their input are valuable. You need to compile all the information from different people and different area and come out your own design.

With their help, I believe you can be one of the successful Swiftlet farmer in near future.


  1. You are right as we are all among Friends which all have the same interest I hope. To allow swiftlets to grow and multiply and love watching them increasing many folds each years.

    Not to be selfish and greedy to kill the gold goose (swiftlets) and when the time comes (6-8 years later) we will find that you do not have anymore nest in your BH only old birds incapable to reproduce.

    Regret then will be too late as in the case of Sarawak cave. There will millions of swiftlets and now, it is a sad story to tell.

  2. i hope i can be a good sharing friend & make many many swiftlet farming friends too, at least within the world wide web, as no one enjoys the feeling of failure from his/her own bh.

    thanks for Victor , thanks for everyone who r kind for sharing. thanks =)
