Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Useful DIY Blog

Below is the useful DIY Blog for Swiflet farming. He has few BH at Thailand. For those people in Thai, you can contact him.


  1. Hi victor i have seen his blog and i think he is explaining with a stupid logic . More humid air is lighter than less humid air . I think i won't believe it . I have solved the room temperature myself and i call it an experience.
    Try open humidifier at full blast in the hot afternoon below your rooftop and see your ventilation pvc would help to bring the air in.
    For my case , the temperature can climb up 32-33 degree celcius without the help of ventilator. Do you know what is sauna like ? To solve it by cool moist alone is not enough in a stagnant airflow room , you also need that constant airflow.
    Remember up there is a hot box in the heated afternoon. Trust me I dun trust the book and theory but i trust the experience and hands on.

  2. One more thing i don't use water sprinkle on my rooftop to reduce the temperature . I have come across many terrace houses with ceramic roof and good heat insulator under the roof that are being sold by many house developers.

    I entered the house for viewing and all windows and doors were closed intially. Do you know what does it like inside the house when i entered? Yes, the temperature inside the house is of corse very high.


    What i learn from this is to remember that wind can remove any heat .

  3. For his cases, he placed the humidifier at the roving area. Remember roving area have bigger entrance hole compare to the vent hole in the BH. So, air circulation is better. He also showed the Temp and Humidity Chart before and after the humidifier which clearly see the different. So is not purely the theory.
    As for your case, your humidifier is inside your BH. The vent hole is too small to circulate the hot air out, you need the help of ventilator as what you have done.
    So, my conclution is, if humidifier alone is not enough to cool down the temp a bit, you need to use ventilator. But the best solution to solve temp issue is to isolate the source of heat.

  4. Hi I happened to drop in and read the comments. Making judgment from your presumptions can be misleading so just a few points to clarify.

    1. The roving room is an an extension without heat insulator installed under the roof. That's why I experimented with sprinkler at first.

    2. Victor is correct, natural airflow at entrance hole helps in my case.

    3. There is a climatic difference where our farms are geographically. I read often of the need to reduce humidity, but in my case it is more of increasing R.H. as external often on low side.

    4. As for my stupid logic, don't believe it if you can't make sense out of it. Don't need to convince any people out there.

    So making conclusion from half info is misleading, and like the old saying "half knowledge can be dangerous"!

  5. Reflecting further, I am guilty of not providing sufficient info in the first place. My post is now amended with more clarifications.

    Furthermore I like to add that I am more amused than offended with "stupid logic" remark. Thanks for the input anyway.
