Monday, October 19, 2009

Holistic Approach to Swiftlet Farming

From Mr Fre. Thanks

In various human pursuits such as in the field of economy, politics, philosophy, religion, martial arts, etc; general ideas would eventually break up into becoming different school of thoughts in which emphasis is placed upon certain aspects and practices. So too is the field of swiftlet farming which can generally be divided into two different approaches; the traditional way and the modern way. Actually, there exist a third way in which aspects of the traditional way and the modern way are utilize.

I think the third way is a good idea as we can utilize proven ideas from the traditional approach and then complement it with reliable and useful modern equipments as well as scientific ideas from the modern school of swiftlet farming. Yet there are several different aspects to swiftlet farming that some proponents had came up to claims that certain things are the key to the success of a farm. For example, there are those who champion the swiftlet sounds, while others advocate the use of good planks and the ways and means of installing it, yet others emphasis on the design of a farm.

I think all the major aspects and even minor aspects are very important to ensuring the success of a farm. There is the hardware and software aspects to the setting up of a successful farm; think of it this way, the best computer in the world without good software is useless and vice versa. Generally speaking, there is an art to the integration of the design of the basic infrastructure; the choices of various equipments and the quality of the items as well as the intelligent deployment of these equipments that will ensure the patronage of swiftlets.

As a commander in chief, a general must not be only well verse in a branch of his military organization but must deploy the army, air force, navy and their components such as special forces, spies as well as the all important logistic wisely to ensure that he can win battles. Therefore, to say whether the designs or sounds or some other aspects of swiftlet farming is the most important aspect is just plain wrong. For we must be holistic in our approach and pay attention to all the different aspects so as to ultimately achieve our major objectives; which is to invite swiftlets to first visit, then stay and finally make their precious nests in our farms.

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